Star of Wonder, Star of Hope

By Elizabeth Yeamans Simrell

This Christmas Season, I have especially enjoyed a recording of “I Wonder as I Wander” by Frank Coleman (Home Cookin’ Studio, Richmond, VA) on a cd he made with my husband, Paul Simrell, several years ago. As I listen to Frank sing the song, it creates an atmosphere for me of my own wonder and awe of what Christmas means: I think of what it meant for a starry night with a huge, unusual star over a small town where the baby Jesus lay in a barn animals’ feeding trough, the angel visitations Mary and Joseph had experienced prior to his birth, the awkward circumstances for them, and also the responsibility and honor bestowed upon them by God himself.

The world was in need of a savior. The star was a sign of expectant hope of which even the shepherds took note. The star was so prominent and lingered for such a long time that it was seen far away and beckoned the Magi to seek the new king. Even King Herod would fear for his own position when he learned of those who followed the star in search of the new king of the Jews.

Our world is in disarray now. We need Our Savior. We need to cling to that expectant hope that comes with the Christ Child. As we plan our celebrations of Christmas in honor of Jesus and his birth, the arrival of “God with us”—the story that we already know but that was awesome, scary, yet hopeful and wonderful to Mary and Joseph—we might just feel a little of that expectant hope that the Christ Child brings. No matter what happens, we who love Jesus Christ know that he is with us now and forever. No one, no thing, no circumstance can separate us from his love. We can anticipate with expectant hope that we will live with the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and that he shall reign forever and ever.

May we ponder that and wonder as we wander in awe of him as we celebrate our Lord this Christmas!

Have a safe and wonderful Christmas!